Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Blair, G.*, Littman, R*, Nugent, E*, Wolfe, R*, Bukar, M., Crisman, B., Etim, A., Hazlett, C., & Kim, J. (2021). Trusted Authorities Can Change Minds and Shift Norms During Conflict. PNAS.

Littman, R., Estrada, S., Stagnaro, M. N., Dunham, Y., Rand, D. G., & Baskin-Sommers, A. (2019). Community Violence and Prosociality: Experiencing and Committing Violence is Positively Associated with Norm-Enforcing Punishment but not Cooperation. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Replication materials.

Littman, R. (2018). Perpetrating Violence Increases Identification with Violent Groups: Survey Evidence from Former Combatants. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(7), 1077-1089. Replication materials.

Fair, C. C.*, Littman, R.*, & Nugent, E*. (2018). Conceptions of Shari`a and Support for Democratic Values and Militancy in PakistanPolitical Science Research and Methods, 6(3), 429-448. Replication materials.

Fair, C. C.*, Littman, R.*, Malhotra, N.*, & Shapiro, J.* (2018). Relative Poverty, Perceived Violence, and Support for Militant Politics: Evidence from Pakistan. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(1), 57-81. Replication materials.

Stagnaro, M. N., Littman, R., & Rand, D. G. (2018). Individual Difference in Acts of Self-Sacrifice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, E217. Commentary on Whitehouse (2018).

Littman, R. & Paluck, E. L. (2015). The Cycle of Violence: Understanding Individual Participation in Collective ViolenceAdvances in Political Psychology, 36, 79-99.

Behavior Change

Blair, G.*, Littman, R.*, & Paluck, E. L.* (2019). Motivating the Adoption of New Community-Minded Behaviors: An Empirical Test in Nigeria. Science Advances. Pre-registration and replication materials.

Arce, J., S., Warren, S. S., Meriggi, N. F., Scacco, A….Littman, R….Humphreys, M., Mobarak, A. M., & Omer, S. B. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Nature Medicine, 27, 1385-1394.

Research Methods & Meta-Science

Littman, R.*, Wolfe, R.*, Blair, G.*, & Ryan, S (2023). Evidence required for ethical social science. Science, 379(6629), 247.

Ferguson, J.*, Littman, R.*, Christensen, G.*, Paluck, E. L.*, Swanson, N.*, Wang, Z.*, Miguel, E.*, Birke, D.*, & Pezzuto, J. H.*. The State of Open Science in the Social Sciences. Nature Communications.

Moore-Berg, S., Bernstein, K.*, Gallardo, R.*, Hameiri, B.*, Littman, R.*, O’Neil, S*., & Pasek, M*. (2022). Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations for conducting translational research. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.

Swanson, N.*, Christensen, G.*, Littman, R.*, Birke, D.*, Miguel, E.*, Paluck, E. L.*, & Wang, Z*. (2020). Improving the Transparency and Credibility of Economics Research: Research Transparency Is on the Rise in Economics. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, 1-6.

Gomila, R., Littman, R., Blair, G., & Paluck, E. L. (2017). The Audio Check: A Method for Improving Data Quality and Detecting Data Fabrication. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(4), 424-433.

Mental Health

Aksunger, N.*, Vernot, C.*, Littman, R.*, Voors, M.*, Meriggi, N*.,…,Janssens, W., & Mobarak, M. (2023). COVID-19 and Mental Health in 8 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Prospective Cohort Study. PLOS Medicine, 20(4), e1004081.



Marks, Z., Littman, R., & Zakayo, A. Hostile, but not violent: How gender and social capital affect conflict attitudes. Revise & resubmit.

Littman, R.*, Marks, Z.*, & Zakayo, A. Threat Perception and Social Aggression During Conflict: The Female Guardian Theory.

Littman, R., Blair, G., Wolfe R., Bukar, M., Kim, J., & Badu, F. Apologies Aren’t Just Cheap Talk: Expressions of Repentance Promote Reconciliation with Former Violent Extremists.

Littman, R., Scacco, A., Ryan, S., Hameiri, B., Kteily, N., Moore-Berg, S., Adeojo, O., & Bukar, M. Reducing Intergroup Animosity through Entertainment Education Interventions: Experiments in Nigeria.

Marks, Z.* & Littman, R.*, Reconciliation in Protracted Conflicts: Why and How Communities Accept Former Fighters When Peace is Elusive.

Dunham, S*., Fair, C. C.*, Littman, R.*, Nugent, E. R.*, & Robbins, M*. Comparative Sharia: A Multi-Country Analysis of Conceptions of Islamism and Support for Democracy.



Littman, R., O’Neil, S., Broeckhoven, K., V., Bukar, M., & Marks, Z. (2021). Community Acceptance of Former Boko Haram Affiliates. MEAC Findings Report 7, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

Littman, R., O’Neil, S., Broeckhoven, K., V., Bukar, M., Marks, Z, & Badu, F. (2021). Social, Economic, and Civic Reintegration of Former Boko Haram Affiliates. MEAC Findings Report 10, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

Littman, R., O’Neil, S., Broeckhoven, K., V., Bukar, M., & Badu, F. (2021). Criminal and Transitional Justice Preferences for Former Boko Haram Associates. MEAC Findings Report 12, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

Littman, R., O’Neil, S., Broeckhoven, K., V., & Bukar, M. (2021). The Relationship Between Victimization and Receptivity to Returning Boko Haram Members. MEAC Findings Report 13, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

Littman, R. (2017). Children and Extreme Violence: Insights from Social Science on Child Trajectories Into and Out of Non-State Armed Groups. United Nations University.

* denotes equal authorship (alphabetical or randomized author order)